Call for Book Chapters:

Simulation for Industry 4.0

Past, Present, and Future


Editor: Murat M.Gunal  

Publisher: Springer



We invite you to contribute a book chapter for the upcoming book entitled “ Simulation for Industry 4.0 - Past, Present, and Future ” to be published by Springer. The book is expected to be available both in print and in eBook format by the end of 2018, and intended for academic and professional audience. This is a great chance to disseminate your experience, knowledge, and ideas with a world-class publisher.


The aim of this book is to emphasize the role of simulation in the new industrial revolution: The Industry 4.0. Our civilisation has witnessed revolutions in manufacturing of goods, first in late 18th century. Discovery of machines powered by electricity and internal combustion engines caused mass production and created an economic value, which marked the second revolution. In late 20th century, advance production systems which includes electronics, information technology, and robotics was reflections of the information age on manufacturing, and an unnamed third revolution. The fourth industrial revolution, the Industry 4.0, although many countries name differently, is the concept of advanced digitization in manufacturing and use of science and technology to create smart factories.     


Simulation has a long history and close links with industry and improved since the third revolution. This trend is likely to grow within Industry 4.0 which aims at achieving complete digitisation of manufacturing and the business.  Different views of simulation will bring a variety of its uses from augmented or virtual reality to process engineering, from quantum computing to intelligent management.


Simulation methodologies, techniques, tools, approaches, and uses for better management of processes and design of products to achieve Industry 4.0 goals are welcome in this book. We are interested in answering where, why, and how simulation takes part in the following topics of interests. The list is not limited as new items might be added necessarily.



Important Dates:

         Chapter proposal submission opens: 01 February 2018

         Chapter proposal notification: 01 April 2018

         Chapter submission deadline: 30 May 2018

         Chapter review notification: 30 August 2018

         Final version deadline: 30 September 2018


Authors are kindly invited to submit their proposals, between 1000 and 2000 words, which clearly explains the contribution of their proposed chapters. Authors will be notified if their proposals are appropriate for the book. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by the due date and the double-blind review process will commence. Final versions are expected by the end of September 2018. Copyrighted material should have given permission to be published.


Chapter proposals, final submissions, and any enquiries should be sent by email to (alternatively Further information is available at .




Murat M. Gunal